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The Alerting feature allows you detect issues in the field faster, in order to control your deployments in a more refined way.

Create an alert for your organization

By clicking on the "+ New" button, a form allows you to create an alert for you and your organization's users.

Select an alert type, press "Next", and configure your alert. For some alerts, only the name is configurable, for others the form will display modifiable data such as thresholds or the time at which you want the alert to be triggered.


Times are all in UTC timezone, please adapt to your timezone when subscribing to an alert with a specific trigger time.

Subscribe to alerts

Clicking on the toggles seen below allows you and other people in your organization to subscribe to created alerts and receive feedback, either by e-mail or by MDM Notification.

Alert requiring Insights

Alerts depending on Insights

If you have access to the Insights Paid MDM Add-On feature, some special alerts are accessible to you.

If not, a visual warning will highlight that this alert won't work in your organization.

Alert requiring Insights

Review the history of alerts triggered in your organization

The "History" menu allows you to review all alerts which were triggered in your organization. Clicking on any of them gives you the exact content you would have received per e-mail or MDM notification.

Alert History