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The Geozones feature allows you to delimit the theoretical zones of operation of your business, and use these zones on other features where device location is an important metric.

Preview your created geozones

If you already have geozones created, opening the Geozones menu lists all of them and allows you to search them by name or by usage.

Listing Geozones

Creating a Geozone

Clicking on the "+ New" button, or going to the "Geozone Tool" tab, allows you to start creating a geozone. There are three different ways to delimit zones:

  • Draw a Rectangle: click to place the first corner of your rectangle and drag & drop + click again to finish;
  • Draw a Polygon: click to place as many vertices as you want and click on the first vertex again to close your polygon;
  • Draw a Circle: click to place the center of your circle, drag & drop to resize, and click again to finish.

If you drew a rectangle or a polygon, it is also possible to "cut out" a zone you don't want to consider by using the Cut Layers tool.

Cutout Geozone

Assigning a Geozone to a Profile

In order to define that a Geozone applies to a list of devices, it is necessary to create a link between a Geozone and a Profile. When creating or editing a profile, the section called "Geozone" allows you to select, through its name, the Geozone you want that profile to apply to devices.

What can I do with Geozones?

See Geozones on the MDM Map

On the Maps menu, it is possible to toggle the visibility of Geozones, to check if devices were inside or outside geozones at their last reported location.

Geozone on Map

See Geozones on Device's side panel

If you have assigned a Geozone to a Profile (see section above), all devices affected by that profile will now display that geozone on the Device side panel, in order to compare the last known location of that device with said Geozone.

Geozone on Device Sidepanel

Know which devices left their supposed area of operation

If you have access to the Insights Paid MDM Add-On feature, you are able to create an Alert which warns you daily about devices which left their designated Geozone. A designated Geozone is defined by assigning a Geozone to a Profile (see section above).

Geozone Alert