Navigating the platform¶
MDM Pages¶
On the navigation bar at the left of the MDM, you will find all feature pages, some grouped by subject. On this help website, you will find the same structure (under "MDM Pages") to help you through our features.

Data Tables¶
Most MDM pages will present their data to you in the form of a table. Interacting with these tables is the core way of navigating through your assets. The following guide gives you an overview of recurring aspects you will face when using these tables.
Exploring data¶
The table displays your data within rows and columns. You may configure which columns are displayed by pressing the icon on the right side of the table. Next to this icon, you will find arrows to navigate through pages of results, and a dropdown to define how many rows per page you want to be displayed.
Selecting data and applying Actions¶
At the start of each row on most tables, a icon allows you to select some rows to interact with. In some cases your selection allows you to apply actions to one or multiple elements selected, via an action toolbox that appears under the data table. Highlighting the icons will display the name of the action.

Refreshing and Exporting data¶
Two icons above the data allow you to interact with it:
- Refresh: allows to reload the data on the table, if need be
- Export: allows to export data, either all of it if no selection was done beforehand, or only the selected rows.
Menu Actions and Filters¶
Above the table you will find:
- Menu Actions: buttons such as "+ New" to create a ressource, or "Actions" with global actions surrounding that menu
- Filters: text fields or dropdowns which allow you to refine your search through the data table

User Preferences¶
On the bottom left of the MDM, you will find your user section. By clicking on , a menu lists some accessible features:
- My Profile: manage your personal information and account security (password and 2FA)
- Language: change the language of the user interface (English/French)
- Light/Dark mode: change the color palette to whichever version you prefer

Top Bar¶
On the upper right corner of the MDM, you will find the name of your MDM organization (clickable to switch between organizations if you have access to multiple ones) and two icons:
- Get help: contains links to documentation, support chat module, and our terms and conditions
- Notifications: lists all notifications Famoco has sent you through the MDM