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Push Notifications

The Push Notifications feature allows you to create messaging campaigns and send them to your users in the field, in order to react faster and gather feedback.

This feature requires Famoco Layer version 3.18.0 or above.

Experimental Feature (Beta - β)

This feature is in its β-phase and is an ongoing experiment. Some things might not work as expected.

Create a template

The first step in creating a messaging campaign is to define what it will contain and how it will be displayed to your users. In the sub-menu "Templates", you can define the basis of your future messages.

By clicking the "+ New" button, a form will open and allow you to define:

  • A title for your template, in order to differentiate it from other ones
  • A title for the message itself that will show up on the notification
  • A message to be displayed below the title
  • Text and background colors for the notification window
  • Optional images or videos to be displayed
  • One or two buttons, their text color, and whether they contain a link to be opened when the user presses it or not

About images and videos

Famoco will not host your images and videos. The URL to provide must be a direct URL to said ressource (i.e. an URL ending with .png, .mp4 or others, not a YouTube URL)

Sending a messaging campaign

If you want to create a messaging campaign, go to the "Campaigns" sub-menu and press the "+ New" button.

  • Name your campaign to identify it
  • Define your message content, either by selecting an existing template (which you can modify on the fly by pressing the button) or by composing a new message that will not be stored as a template, for a one-shot message
  • Select the audience for your campaign, either by selecting target fleets of devices, or by selecting specific devices that will receive the message (you can search devices and select them on a dropdown, or upload a file containing the Famoco IDs of your desired audience)

Once you have created your campaign, it will be stored as a Draft, in order for you to select the perfect moment to send it. When that time comes, press the "Send" button at the end of the row concerning your campaign.

Before sending, if you think you made a mistake, you can still edit the campaign by selecting it and pressing the button on the action bar. However, once it is sent, the contents of the message is not modifiable.

After sending, clicking on the row of a campaign opens its side panel which displays information about the campaign's state: how many notifications were sent, how many devices were not eligible to receive the message and how many users pressed on which button.