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Android Studio

Install Android Studio

Download Android Studio from the Android Developer website here

Install on Linux

To install Android Studio on Linux, proceed as follows:

  • Unpack the .zip file you downloaded to an appropriate location for your applications, such as within /usr/local/ for your user profile, or /opt/ for shared users.
  • To launch Android Studio, open a terminal, navigate to the android-studio/bin/ directory, and execute
  • Select whether you want to import previous Android Studio settings or not, then click OK.
  • The Android Studio Setup Wizard guides you though the rest of the setup, which includes downloading Android SDK components that are required for development.

A step-by-step video can be found on the Android Developer website here

Install on MacOS

To install Android Studio on your Mac, proceed as follows:

  • Launch the Android Studio DMG file.
  • Drag and drop Android Studio into the Applications folder, then launch Android Studio.
  • Select whether you want to import previous Android Studio settings, then click OK.
  • The Android Studio Setup Wizard guides you though the rest of the setup, which includes downloading Android SDK components that are required for development.

A step-by-step video can be found on the Android Developer website here

Install on Windows

To install Android Studio on Windows, proceed as follows:

  • Launch the .exe file you downloaded.
  • Follow the setup wizard to install Android Studio and any necessary SDK tools.

A step-by-step video can be found on the Android Developer website here

Source: Android Developer Website