Quick Start
General navigation
From any page of the MDM, you can:
- Use the left side navigation panel to access the main platform sections.
Available sections are: Dashboard; Devices; Fleets; Profiles; Applications; Action Tokens; API Access; Maps; Audit Logs; Membership.
Some of the sections may be hidden for a user (based on member role and/or the organization bundle).

When the mouse hovers the menu panel, an expand/collapse icon is displayed at the top. The folded layout shows the menu icons only.

- Switch organization, if you manage several organizations you can click on your current organization name to open the organization switch modal dialog.
- notifications View the system notifications
- help Get access to the help section
- MDM documentation
- Developers documentation
- REST API documentation
- Chat with us (when available)
- Terms & conditions
- account_circle View/Modify your profile settings
- Email (read only)
- First name
- Last name
- Password
- List of organizations with associated role (read only)
Start using your devices
Please find below a quick and simple procedure to start using your devices immediately.
Add applications to your organization
- Go to the Applications section (the default APP LIBRARY page loads)
- Click on + NEW
- Drag & Drop the APK or click inside the dotted area to select the APK from your computer files
- Click on UPLOAD
- The uploaded application is displayed in the Applications list
Create a profile
- Go to the Profiles section
- Click on + NEW
- Name and configure your profile according to your business needs
- Click on NEXT for each step and on SAVE at the end of the process
- The profile is displayed in the Profiles list
Create a fleet
- Go to the Fleets section
- Click on + NEW
- Name your fleet and select the profile to apply to this fleet
- Click on SAVE
- The fleet is displayed in the Fleet list
Assign devices to a fleet configuration
- Go to the Devices section
- Select the devices using the checkboxes
- Click on the PUT IN FLEET icon
- Select a fleet from the drop-down list
- Click on the button NEXT
- A pop-up confirms the move
- Click on the button CLOSE
Synchronize your device(s)
- Turn on your device(s)
- Configure your Wi-Fi or mobile data
- Depending on your Famoco Layer version either:
- Press and hold the volume up button for a few seconds OR
- Click on the refresh icon in the Connectivity section of the device Dashboard (available from Famoco Layer version v2.0 onwards)