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Device USB Connection

Linux : Connecting devices via USB

With Linux, the connection to Famoco devices is available out of the box, but some additional configuration is needed.

The steps to take to configure the USB connection on Ubuntu 14.04.

If you're developing on Ubuntu Linux, you need to add a udev rules file that contains a USB configuration for each type of device you want to use for development. In the rules file, each device manufacturer is identified by a unique vendor ID, as specified by the ATTR{idVendor} property. To set up device detection on Ubuntu Linux:

  • Log in as root and create this file: /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules.
  • Use this format to add each vendor to the file: SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"

In this example, the vendor ID is for HTC. The MODE assignment specifies read/write permissions, and GROUP defines which Unix group owns the device node.

Note: The rule syntax may vary slightly depending on your environment. Consult the udev documentation for your system as needed.

  • Now execute: chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

Source Android Developer Website

OS X : Connecting devices via USB

With OSX, the connection to Famoco devices is available out of the box, and requires no additional drivers.

Devices will work upon plug-in and applications can be pushed with the Android Studio or via ADB command line.

Windows : Connecting devices via USB

With Windows, the connection to Famoco devices requires the installation of additional drivers.

Installing the Windows USB Driver

To install the appropriate USB driver:

  1. Download the USB driver for Windows, available on the Android Developer website here
  2. Ensure the device Developer mode is activated in the MDM.
  3. Follow the instructions on the Android Developer website which are also detailed here below to install or upgrade the driver, based on your version of Windows and whether you're installing for the first time or upgrading an existing driver.

Windows 10

To install the Android USB driver on Windows 10 for the first time, do the following:

  • Connect your Android device to your computer's USB port.
  • From Windows Explorer, open Computer Management.
  • In the Computer Management left pane, select Device Manager.
  • In the Device Manager right pane, locate and expand Portable Devices.
  • In Portable Devices, right-click the name of the device you connected, and then select Update Driver Software.
  • In the Hardware Update wizard, select Browse my computer for driver software and click Next.
  • Click Browse and then locate the USB driver folder. For example, the Google USB Driver is located in <sdk>\extras\google\usb_driver\.
  • Click Next to install the driver.

Windows 7

To install the Android USB driver on Windows 7 for the first time, do the following:

  • Connect your Android device to your computer's USB port.
  • Right-click on Computer from your desktop or Windows Explorer, and select Manage.
  • Select Devices in the left pane.
  • Locate and expand Other device in the right pane.
  • Right-click the device name (such as Nexus S) and select Update Driver Software. This will launch the Hardware Update Wizard.
  • Select Browse my computer for driver software and click Next.
  • Click Browse and locate the USB driver folder. (The Google USB Driver is located in <sdk>\extras\google\usb_driver\.)
  • Click Next to install the driver.

Or, to upgrade an existing Android USB driver on Windows 7 and higher with the new driver:

  • Connect your Android device to your computer's USB port.
  • Right-click on Computer from your desktop or Windows Explorer, and select Manage.
  • Select Device Manager in the left pane of the Computer Management window.
  • Locate and expand Android Phone in the right pane.
  • Right-click on Android Composite ADB Interface and select Update Driver. This will launch the Hardware Update Wizard.
  • Select Install from a list or specific location and click Next.
  • Select Search for the best driver in these locations; uncheck Search removable media; and check Include this location in the search.
  • Click Browse and locate the USB driver folder. (The Google USB Driver is located in <sdk>\extras\google\usb_driver\.)
  • Click Next to upgrade the driver.

Windows Vista

To install the Android USB driver on Windows Vista for the first time, do the following:

  • Connect your Android device to your computer's USB port. Windows will detect the device and launch the Found New Hardware wizard.
  • Select Locate and install driver software.
  • Select Don't search online.
  • Select I don't have the disk. Show me other options.
  • Select Browse my computer for driver software.
  • Click Browse and locate the USB driver folder. (The Google USB Driver is located in <sdk>\extras\google\usb_driver\.) As long as you specified the exact location of the installation package, you may leave Include subfolders checked or unchecked it doesn't matter.
  • Click Next. Vista may prompt you to confirm the privilege elevation required for driver installation. Confirm it.
  • When Vista asks if you'd like to install the Google ADB Interface device, click Install to install the driver.

Or, to upgrade an existing Android USB driver on Windows Vista with the new driver:

  • Connect your Android device to your computer's USB port.
  • Right-click on Computer from your desktop or Windows Explorer, and select Manage.
  • Select Device Manager in the left pane.
  • Locate and expand ADB Interface in the right pane.
  • Right-click on Android Composite ADB Interface, and select Update Driver Software.
  • When Vista starts updating the driver, a prompt will ask how you want to search for the driver software. Select Browse my computer for driver software.
  • Click Browse and locate the USB driver folder. (The Google USB Driver is located in <sdk>\extras\google\usb_driver\.) As long as you specified the exact location of the installation package, you may leave Include subfolders checked or unchecked -- it doesn't matter.
  • Click Next. Vista might prompt you to confirm the privilege elevation required for driver installation. Confirm it.
  • When Vista asks if you'd like to install the Google ADB Interface device, click Install to upgrade the driver.